The Baby-Friendly Council of NL is pleased to share our new YouTube public education video produced by Nine Island Productions in St. John’s, NL.
“If babies could talk about breastfeeding at home.”
This video was developed to help new moms and family members understand normal breastfeeding and sleeping behaviours in the early days and weeks after baby is born.
The key messages include:
- Learning to breastfeed takes time.
- Watch your baby’s cues, not the clock.
- You can’t overfeed or spoil your baby. Feed on demand and as your baby needs.
- You are producing enough milk.
- There is no need to supplement with formula, water, sugar water, juice, or cow’s milk.
- Night time feeding is normal and good for increasing milk production.
This work is part of a series of public education videos located on the Baby-Friendly NL YouTube channel. The content of these videos complement the information in the Provincial Breastfeeding Handbook and other infant feeding resources.
The video is designed for new moms and family members in discussion about breastfeeding with a health care provider e.g., physician, public health nurse, dietitian, nurse practitioner, midwife or lactation consultant.