The Baby-Friendly Council of NL (Previously known as the Breastfeeding Coalition of NL), established in 1992, is an interdisciplinary committee with representatives from all regions in the province strongly committed to increasing the initiation and duration of breastfeeding.

The Perinatal Program Newfoundland and Labrador (PPNL) evolved as the lead agency supporting the ongoing work of the Council, of which the Provincial Breastfeeding Consultant is chair, and is supported by the Department of Health and Community Services (DHCS).

The Baby-Friendly Council, in affiliation with the Breastfeeding Committee for Canada, is the designated provincial body to monitor the implementation of the Baby-Friendly Initiative (BFI) in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The BFI is a global campaign of the WHO and UNICEF. This campaign recognizes that implementing evidenced-based practices in health and community services is crucial to the success of programs that protect, promote and support breastfeeding. The BFI is a continuous quality improvement initiative and represents best practice in maternal-newborn care. There are over 20,000 BFI designated health facilities globally and over 50 in Canada. For more information about the BFI go to

Provincial funding is provided to the Baby-Friendly Council of NL from the DHCS and it is administered and managed by PPNL.


Newfoundland and Labrador will be a place where women will be supported to breastfeed exclusively for six months and beyond, consistent with national and global recommendations.


To provide leadership and support to the Regional Health Authorities, Aboriginal governments, and community partners in the implementation of the BFI within the health care system in NL.


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Established 1979/1991/1992

1979 – Establishment of the Provincial Perinatal Program (PPP) (now known as the Perinatal Program Newfoundland and Labrador (PPNL))

1991 – The Canadian Expert Working Group on Breastfeeding was established. This evolved into the Breastfeeding Committee for Canada.

1992 – Provincial Breastfeeding Coalition of NL established (now known as the Baby-Friendly Council of NL)


Established 2006

Breastfeeding and Baby Friendly Initiatives (BFI) identified as a priority action within the Provincial Wellness Plan, Poverty Reduction Strategy, and Education and Support Standards for Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Parenting.

Established 2007

Labrador-Grenfell Health Region adopts Organizational Breastfeeding Policy (first in the province).

Established 2008

Provincial Government establishes breastfeeding consultant position

Working groups of Council formed including: BFI, research and public education and awareness

Established 2011 / 2013

BFRWG initiated a province-wide infant feeding study initiated (FiNaL study). This study was a significant study that inspired many research projects that are still ongoing today!

BFRWG published a very insightful qualitative study that explored factors associated with mothers’ decisions to formula-feed their infants in NL.

Established 2015

Make Breastfeeding Your Business toolkit was developed and implemented within local businesses and organizations.

Established 2016

Physician toolkit developed and released

Established 2016

Government of NL identifies breastfeeding as provincial priority in The Way Forward.

Established 2017

Baby-Friendly Council of NL Releases YouTube educational videos If Babies Could Talk: What They’d Want You to Know about Breastfeeding and Breastfeeding at Home.

Established 2018

Labrador West Health Centre (Labrador-Grenfell Health) awarded Baby-Friendly Designation (first in Atlantic Canada!)

Two birthing facilities in NL were accepted into the Breastfeeding Committee for Canada Quality Improvement Collaborative.

Established 2019

Establishment of the Janet Murphy Goodridge Legacy Award in Maternal and Child Health at Memorial University.

Looking for Breastfeeding Support?

There are a number of support networks available to you for both medical or non medical advice – some are accessible 24/7. Click the link below to view some of our online support services.

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Message Baby Friendly Newfoundland & Labrador

Baby Friendly Newfoundland & Labrador