Communities and municipalities can help to create environments that support women and families in achieving their breastfeeding goals. We believe that municipalities can contribute to the cultural normalization of breastfeeding.
The Baby-Friendly Council of Newfoundland and Labrador has received government support to create a breastfeeding toolkit for municipalities in NL. This is line with Action 2.62 in The Way Forward:
In 2017-18, our Government will support municipalities to implement policies and practices that support health outcomes in municipal plans and to implement policies and/or practices to support healthy eating and breastfeeding.
It will also align with and support the following target outlined in The Way Forward:
By 2025, Newfoundland and Labrador’s breastfeeding initiation rate will increase by seven percentage points.
A Breastfeeding Toolkit for Municipalities will make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals, families, communities throughout NL by helping to create environments whereby breastfeeding is promoted and supported as the normal way to feed infants and young children.