In Canada, World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated from October 1 to 7th.
Each year a global theme is developed by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA). This year’s WABA theme is ‘SUSTAINING BREASTFEEDING TOGETHER’.
This theme recognizes that everyone has an important role in helping to support breastfeeding, including:
- Partners
- Grandparents
- Friends
- Health professionals
- Businesses
- Community organizations
- Governments (Federal, Provincial, Municipal)
- Employers
What’s happening during 2017 World Breastfeeding Week in NL?
Members of the Baby-Friendly Council of NL will be partnering with key stakeholders in the community to screen the documentary film MILK, a film that explores different feeding and birthing practices globally and the impact they have.
The purpose of these screenings is to help normalize breastfeeding in NL communities, to mobilize community leadership, and to discuss the local context with women and families.
The hope is to help “SUSTAIN BREASTFEEDING TOGETHER” in line with the #WBW2017 theme.
Open community discussions will follow each 52 minute film screening.
Local experts will also be available to answer questions. Refreshments, snack and prizes provided. Local organizing teams have been assembled to plan these events. Special invitations will go out to municipal leaders, family resource programs, local business owners etc.
This education program is happening across Canada and has been made possible by Filmblanc and through funding from the Telus Fund. The film Milk was created by Noemi Weis to stimulate awareness, education, and discussion about maternal and newborn health.
Check out the following video to see Sophie Trudeau deliver support for the Milk education program: