In Newfoundland and Labrador, this year’s theme is: “Breastfeeding…Making it Work”. This theme focuses on the importance of supporting families at the community level, especially in the early weeks, when both mom and baby are learning how to breastfeed.
The goal is to support Newfoundland and Labrador mothers with starting and sustaining breastfeeding. Mothers are challenged with trying to balance work and family life, and therefore employers and the community at large can all have a role in supporting breastfeeding families.
This year the Baby-Friendly Council of NL will continue with the implementation of “Making Breastfeeding Your Business NL Toolkit”, developed specifically for local businesses and community organizations. The Toolkit promotes and supports breastfeeding at a community level, as well as supports business/organization employees when returning to work after a maternity/parental leave.
Baby-Friendly NL would also like to highlight other initiatives that help increase breastfeeding initiation and duration rates in NL. These initiatives include the importance of “delaying the bath” in the first 24 hours after birth and placing baby “skin to skin” in the early days.