Establishment of the Janet Murphy Goodridge Legacy Award in Maternal and Child Health at Memorial University.
Establishment of the Janet Murphy Goodridge Legacy Award in Maternal and Child Health at Memorial University.
Labrador West Health Centre (Labrador-Grenfell Health) awarded Baby-Friendly Designation (first in Atlantic Canada!) Two birthing facilities in NL were accepted
Baby-Friendly Council of NL Releases YouTube educational videos If Babies Could Talk: What They’d Want You to Know about Breastfeeding
Government of NL identifies breastfeeding as provincial priority in The Way Forward.
Physician toolkit developed and released
Make Breastfeeding Your Business toolkit was developed and implemented within local businesses and organizations.
1979 – Establishment of the Provincial Perinatal Program (PPP) (now known as the Perinatal Program Newfoundland and Labrador (PPNL)) 1991
Provincial Government establishes breastfeeding consultant position Working groups of Council formed including: BFI, research and public education and awareness
Labrador-Grenfell Health Region adopts Organizational Breastfeeding Policy (first in the province).
Breastfeeding and Baby Friendly Initiatives (BFI) identified as a priority action within the Provincial Wellness Plan, Poverty Reduction Strategy, and
BFRWG initiated a province-wide infant feeding study initiated (FiNaL study). This study was a significant study that inspired many research
There are a number of support networks available to you for both medical or non medical advice – some are accessible 24/7. Click the link below to view some of our online support services.
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